This cheddar enhances performance

FLASHBACK FRIDAY: First posted on January 23, 2010

Generally, I would not post commercials for cheese but this one for Nolan’s Cheese is worth sharing. Click here to view it. Make sure you have the volume turned up. Watch it to the conclusion before reading further.

In case it did not dawn on you, the commercial is faux. There is no such cheese as Nolan’s and no animals were harmed in the production of the short film.

The film-maker is John Nolan, at the leading edge of animatronics, whose work has been utilized in Harry Potter, Where the Wild Things Are, and Clash of Titans.

He trained a mouse for the opening shots, then built a robotic mouse for the rest.


Georgs Kolesnikovs, Cheese-Head-in-Chief at, is the founder of Canadian Cheese Awards and The Great Canadian Cheese Festival.

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