Affinage stirs debate, and other cheese news

Cheese makes news every day. That’s why we’ve started collecting links to the most interesting news reports on a special page under the News tab at the top of the blog. Check it whenever you visit The newest links are shown below.

A feature story in The New York Times on affinage has kicked off debate on the meaning of the word and the value of the practice. What is your take on affinage?

Cheese lovers debate what puts the funk in Funky Town

Affinage inspires evangelical zeal and scoffing among hard-core fromage fanatics

Enjoy the health benefits of raw-milk cheese

How to construct the perfect cheese board

Sikhs rescue Italy’s Parmigiano-Reggiano

Why is our appetite for artisan cheese growing even as our budgets decrease?

Popularity of stealing cheese makes perfect sense

Sue Riedl: Tea and cheese pairings? Pass the kettle

Swiss cheeses: 450 varieties, each unique

Anger at restriction on cheese advertising

Carboncino’s ash rind hides an aromatic molten middle

Popular French cheese isn’t what it once was

The Great Israeli Cottage Cheese Uprising

Kraft recalls macaroni and cheese

What’s going on below Murray’s Cheese Shop in Manhattan

Slow Food spotlights the dairy traditions of Africa at Cheese 2011

The best of Cheese 2011 at Bra, according to experts from New York’s top cheese shop

Cheese, please: In praise of all places gooey

Sue Riedl: Love cheese? Eat local? Go here

Photos celebrating our love affair with cheese

Slow Food helps diehard farmers hang onto tradition

How well do you know cheese?

Good cheeses come in small packages

Overwhelmed cheesemakers decide to pull the plug

Cracker Barrel secretly replaces almost everything with cheese

Italian Frittata: It’s not just for breakfast

Ontario backs goat dairy, sheep’s-milk cheesemaker

Fifth Town Artisan Cheese president steps down

Petra Kassun-Mutch: How cheese saved my life